Monday, June 11, 2007

My wedding day

Pada 27 hb Mei 2007, merupakan tarikh yg bakal di kenang ke akhir hayat. Akhirnya dengan sekali lafaz maka sahlah saya dan isteri ( Wan Faizatul Mailina ) sebagai suami isteri. Kami mula berkenalan pada tahun 2004 dan mengikat tali pertunangan pada 11/3/2006.

Doakanlah kebahagian kami, semoga kekal ke akhir hayat, insya allah.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Happy birthday 'Awe '

Today, situated at Diwali Restaurant Dublin, we did a birthday party for Azlan or known as Awe. Happy n enjoy party, most of lemongrass chef coming...i guess he is 40's this year :) many prize..aisehhh..jeles laaa ...plak...

Annual Staff Party

Finally, we had our annual staff party which held at Little Ceasare Restaurant Dublin. Most of the Lemongrass Restaurant Liffey Valley attended this function. Our 'bos' Kevin honoured to come & spend alot of time to all the staff. Thans kev.....nice dishes ..nice drink ...hmmm yummy3...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

my greatest memory when in Clontarf dublin...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Me at my kitchennnnn.....

My life in Ireland

Hey...just wanna let u know that , I stay n work currently in Dublin Ireland.originally from Malaysia.
At this moment working as a Head Chef..good pay heheheheh...hopefully I can be a restaurant owner within 5 years...yepp who wanna work wt other person for long period. Enough, it's almost 11 years in this line. Ok..that's all folks.....